Smile Makeovers


Before: The patient presented with old crown/bridge margins exposed due to gum recession. The upper right lateral incisor is missing and had previously been restored with a cantilever bridge on the canine. Irregular gum line. Irregular smile line. Significant wear on the front surfaces of the two front teeth. Yellowing teeth no longer match the colour of the old crown and bridge.

After: With a combination of a more structurally sound "3-unit bridge", crown replacement, and porcelain veneers, we were able to improve the colour, shape, and position of each tooth while creating a more natural looking gumline and a more aesthetic smile!

Patient Photos Depicting:

Smile Makeovers

Note: Patients depicted in photos have provided their consent to display their pictures online. Results may vary.


Before: Multiple colours of teeth, old fillings, "crooked" teeth.

After: We inserted 6 Crowns to provide structural support, while improving the colour, tooth proportions, and alignment of teeth in her smile.

Patient Photos Depicting:

Smile Makeovers

Note: Patients depicted in photos have provided their consent to display their pictures online. Results may vary.


Before: This patient presented with failing composite resin joints between her teeth, which had been originally placed to help prevent tooth mobility due to advanced periodontal bone loss. Rather than extracting her teeth she preferred to continue to stabilize them by splinting the teeth together. However, she was displeased with the appearance of her smile.

After: Since splinted crowns did NOT make sense economically when considering the minimal amount of supporting bone, we placed new Composite Resin Joints designed to also improve the aesthetics of each tooth, and to eliminate the "black triangles" of space between the teeth. A Bonded Wire Retainer was added behind the teeth, adding further support to the splinted teeth and to the Composite Resin Joints. Mission accomplished!

Patient Photos Depicting:

Smile Makeovers

Note: Patients depicted in photos have provided their consent to display their pictures online. Results may vary.


Before: This patient presented with a concern about his "yellow crown" on the upper right lateral incisor, the visible gap on the other side, and the general appearance of his smile.

After: We inserted 5 veneers and replaced the crown to achieve the desired colour match between teeth, while idealizing tooth contours and angulation to address the 'retracted appearance'. The result was a more naturally beautiful, whiter brighter smile!

Patient Photos Depicting:

Smile Makeovers

Note: Patients depicted in photos have provided their consent to display their pictures online. Results may vary.

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